Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How do you begin to tell a story that's lasted longer than you have?


I'll start with Hatcher Pass. It wasn't the first but it was the best. If we had gotten to spend more time there it would probably rank as one of my favorite places ever. Right up there with Cumberland Island and the nearby cemetary in St Marys. Unfortunately it was raining, we didn't pay the fee, and Matt and Ellie waited in the car while Megan and I scrambled to take pictures.

Independence Mine is a crumbling gold mine located at Hatchers Pass. Gold was first found in 1906 at the site by Robert Lee Hatcher and the mine was active until 1951. The site is now a state historical park.









Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bid me farewell as I slip into the summer night, burger in hand.

I said goodbye to my eleven years in retail. I posted a blog earlier featuring the photobooth style shots from the End of An Era party at The Good The Bad & The Ugly

It was bittersweet for sure. I've been doing this so long it's like second nature for me and frankly I'm good at it. Sometimes, the less you have personally invested in something the better you do. That is somewhat of a depressing conundrum...nothing is more frustrating that being talented at something you despise. Barneys killed my soul for a good number of months because of that very fact. The less I cared about my customers and whether or not they bought those seven pairs of Seven jeans or that $350 Made in China cashmere Vince sweater that was already knocked off by Forever 21, the more I sold.

It blows my mind to think that in the year of 2007 I sold $1.3 million worth of crap for Barneys AND I took a month off. When I jumped ship for The Good The Bad & The Ugly in January of this year I was immediately happier but still a little unsatisfied. Still, working solo (or with a single coworker) in a small retail operation is infinitely less exasperating than working for a mega-corporate luxury retailer. Plus...whoa...I mean how many people can say that their boss is probably cooler than they are. And the customers/coworkers are a hell of a lot better looking too. I mean look at 'em:

Goodbye GBU BBQ
Mari, Hester, Angela, & Adrea

Goodbye GBU BBQ
Lesley sporting the ultimate party accessory, the McDonalds Super Size cup.

Goodbye GBU BBQ
Judi with Ben Cho mid-hot dog.

Goodbye GBU BBQ right

Goodbye GBU BBQ
Brian and...damn...I actually haven't met this lady, feel like I should have by now.

Goodbye GBU BBQ
Andy sandwiched by Visions

Goodbye GBU BBQ
Brigette grilling is almost funnier than David Cross is in general...almost

Goodbye GBU BBQ
At every good BBQ there is a grillmaster. The dude who takes over and makes sure everyone is fatter and happier by the party's end. This gracious fellow stepped up even though he was a friend of a friend of Judi's and we didn't even know him. It was pretty much perfection, he was even dressed for the part. Thanks Grillmaster General!

Goodbye GBU BBQ
Why does everyone look so much more awesome with a slice of watermelon in their hand?

Goodbye GBU BBQ
We had grilling, beer bottles, red party cups, a significant crowd and music pumping outside for 6 hours on a Sunday and not a single cop showed up. The party gods were with us indeed.

Goodbye GBU BBQ
Seriously, I am going to invite babies and puppies to the next afternoon shindig I have. They are the best cop repellant ever. Who would bust a party with this extreme cuteness present?

Goodbye GBU BBQ
Or this?

Goodbye GBU BBQ
Too cute for words. I was going to say two of the best looking Jews I know but I found out later that night that while Berko's father is Jewish his mother is not. I felt so betrayed! Ivan Berko/Sunshine was one of my prime go-to bros on the Jew tip and now I don't know what to do or say.

Goodbye GBU BBQ
I'll let his gentile status slide as long as his smooth operate status stays intact. Afterall, it's hard to look cool while DJing with a laptop (like we'd actually spring for a real DJ set up!)

Goodbye GBU BBQ
Angela's plotting something. Look how empty the store is! It blows my mind. I was only there for a little over six months but dang it grew on me. That place totally seeped into my pores. It's fucking legendary, but the legend will live on, for sure.

I first became a convert to Judi's wares when I worked at the Vice Store. I wasn't one for elephant bells and didn't have the body to pull off the Africa jumper so I didn't purchase anything while I worked there. I can still remember my ass in all it's glory the first time I squeezed into a pair of rose-colored bell bottoms while fucking around at work. After I moved on from the Vice Store I became an occasional patron of her shop whenever I felt like blowing some extra cash.

The customer base was so different than most boutiques. Instead of rich girls buying whatever the wanted on a whim, the majority of Judi girls are like me. Broke but devoted to looking as awesome as possible. Judi girls scrimp and save, watch the sale emails like hawks, and will gladly risk being late on rent in order to get the goods. Her clothes are utterly addictive and once tried on, irresistable. Never have I been more stoked on an employers wares. And you wonder why I am in charge of in-house PR...

Goodbye GBU BBQ

I'm baaaaack!


Alaska is bonkers.

Monday, July 14, 2008