Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The water's still and the water's sweet

Chuck and Me
"She looks great, you look like an asshole." - Jake to Chuck after taking this picture.

So after a weekend of preparation it finally happened. I am now 27. It doesn't hurt so bad. I thought it would feel worse actually. It was a fairly successful birthday all in all. I mean nothing earth-shattering happened. I had a great dinner with great company. I ate mussels for the first time and got some special presents. Really the only thing lacking was that I didn't get laid, but seriously, who even wants to get laid after eating a pork tenderloin wrapped in proscuitto served over green apple mashed potatoes? That topped off with the most ridiculous flourless chocolate cake in hot fudge sauce with hazelnut ice cream? Forget it. The fact that I even made it over to Union Pool with the intention of raising hell was a miracle. No hell was raised, but a lot of sitting was accomplished.

Brendan came and was a grumpy old man as per usual

Jaymie and Jake
Jaymie and Jake also grubbed. Put down the Blackberry girl...seriously!

Chuck and Me
Chuck looked like a weirdo in all his pics but he gave me a righteous Cast burnout tee and there's a Plastic People one on the way.

Leah brought her best game face

And her second best..."Oh you're half Jewish, half Italian? No wonder you're so loud." Said by me with nothing but the utmost love and admiration...seriously.

Glen made me a card out of a paper airplane.

Sam did her best muppet impression

Lauren looked menacing

Leather (and denim)
Then everyone but Marissa put on their black leather jackets and went to Union Pool

Leather (and denim)
Jaymie and Chuck are apparently the only ones amused at this point

And what night isn't complete without Brian showing up and making a shitty face?

Thank you to everyone for coming and celebrating with me this entire weekend. Now it's back to normal life. I get to feel way less special.

Also, it must be noted that two different stories were told that innocently ended in bukkake references. One involved blogging and the other involved Heidi Klum. Such vibrant dinner conversation.

1 comment:

brendan donnelly said...

i'm a grumpy old man now? jeez, i can never win with you bev.