Monday, August 25, 2008

I never thought I'd be stoked to combine "Violent" and "Shit" in a sentence...

but Violent Bullshit makes me stoked.

As Webb put it they are dudes who are in the band they've always wanted to be in but weren't because they had to be in bands they could tell their moms about. Actually I am not quite sure where Webb was going with that. It's more of a terminal goodtimes throwback complete with political puns and occasional tongue in cheek grandstanding. The best part of a Violent Bullshit show is the crowd. Nothing like watching a bunch of demurred button-downed plaid Daddys devotees reliving the days when they used to get their mosh on.

It took me about a month to post these because I realized they turned out pretty shitty. Apparently the ceiling collapsed in the basement they played in. P.S. How do you know you're getting old? When you start complaining about the air quality at basement hardcore shows. But seriously, Bodega, while it was hilarious and a good thing while it lasted had a serious mold problem that made me feel like I was going to die.

Here's to Violent Bullshit:
Violent Bullshit

Violent Bullshit

Violent Bullshit
Dude, the guy on the left...I have no words.

Violent Bullshit
After this happened Jayson told the guy that he was way too big to be jumping on him. Whatever...maybe Jayson's just too big...of a pussy!

Violent Bullshit

Violent Bullshit
Tuff earplugs dude! I got the green kind, far more neutral.

Violent Bullshit
I learned the art of crappy hardcore pics in the eighth grade. I was totally that girl with a camera and a backpack at every show. Black and white film of course...

Violent Bullshit
Did I ever tell you about how I was supposed to see Orchid play at the Pirate House in Lawrence, KS but got stuck seeing Don Caballero in KC instead? I was 18 and a drunk by then. No more backpack, but I did have a sweet labret piercing...eww...I had just gotten it and had to use mouthwash everytime I ate. My friend Sarah and I drove from Columbia, MO to see them but stopped in KC to meet up with some dude she knew. Said dude and all his friends turned out to be Christian indie rockers who were really into Stryper...I mean REALLY into Stryper. So instead of seeing Orchid we watched Stryper live in Japan and then went to the Don Caballero show. I'd be bummed on that memory except it was pretty funny. Mouthwash and all.

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