Tuesday, October 28, 2008

2 years...

Whoa...been a long time.

A flashback to Battle Bev, the drunk years...

whoa rough


municipally wasted


Post High on Fire summoning

Party Tardy



brendan donnelly said...

im so proud of you bev! i know it's hard and it's kept me sobes talking to you over the past few years.

shit i wish i had that pic of you and i from lastnightsparty when we did a weekend booze cruise around nyc.

keep it going kiddo!

ps. that top photo! wow was that ever a fun day/night/day/night/day...i just remember my dad buying me a huge bottle of whiskey and people shoving coke in my face for 3 days straight

the wonder years

GMG said...

I need to dig up that picture of you & me sitting on the ground on 4th avenue & 14th street (I think it's a Wallgreens now) when I was a freshman, er, first-year ... 'Locust hair'

By the way, Hey! It's been like 5 years! ... if this is the real Beverly.

- Geoffrey (duh)

Beverly said...

Holy shit! Hi Geoffrey. I remember that pic being taken. What is going on with you? It's been too long!

Beverly said...

Holy shit! Hi Geoffrey. I remember that pic being taken. What is going on with you? It's been too long!

GMG said...

Gosh - not a whole lot. Live in Conn. ... work near Union Square ... blog a little. I don't know what else really - it's a quiet but nice life.

What'dre you doing with yourself?