Friday, September 11, 2009

Odyn Vovk up on Vice!

The behind-the-scenes rundown of the Odyn Vovk show is posted up on Vice.

Click here to check it out, there are tons of pics too!

I didn't get any pics at the afterparty because I was too busy DJing, my camera was almost dead, and everyone fucking hung out in the back yard where I couldn't go because I was tied to the decks! Bummer. Still it was a blast. Playing Immortal and Mayhem at Sweet and Vicious was extremely satisfying although it seemed to bum out the staff pretty heavily aside from my buddy Brain who dug it. And there is nothing like having a crowd of your own kind in a bar that doesn't cater to you. A girl I recognized as a former customer at The Good The Bad & The Ugly came up and gushed about hearing Burzum. I gushed back, excited that she caught it. And I doubt those turntables have seen an Asschapel LP since well, when Stefan and I DJed the Kylesa afterparty on Halloween there nearly four years ago.

I'll post some of the outtakes from the Vice piece later, including my favorite category of photo, unflattering pictures of male models.

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